Tuesday, November 12, 2013

She Recovers - On a Beach

Hard to believe that I am back in Mexico again - getting ready for our second She Recovers retreat which starts on Saturday. Holy crap, time goes fast.

Seven days, 24 recovering women, a sacred circle celebration, sun, sea and sand. A private chef preparing our gourmet meals. Healing through laughter and tears. Developing new relationships when one of us sees something in another and says - yes - me too. Last year, 18 women joined us - this year nine of them are returning. We created something special last year and we shall do it again. There is magic in recovery. The women who are joining us this year are recovering from addiction, alcoholism, workaholism, food addiction, broken hearts, lost jobs and shattered dreams. Don't get me wrong - we are not a couple of dozen broken chicks - we are strong and courageous women in recovery and we know that we need to take this sacred pause to catch our breath, let go of things that no longer server us and move ourselves forward. We may find answers on the beach in Playa del Secreto, or maybe we will just find the question. Whatever it is, there is one thing for certain. There shall be tacos.


1 comment:

  1. Have an extraordinary time!! There's something very special about relocating with like minded individuals for a solid chunk of time and without interference. Looking forward to the recap.
