Saturday, March 26, 2011

Strange Politics, But They Are Our Politics

I'm not going to lie, slowing down and taking care of myself has been a real struggle for me. I thought that I was finally getting the hang of it this past week, thanks to yoga, knitting, and some physical illness. Nothing like your body telling your mind and spirit to slow things the hell down. On a regular basis. I'm sure I'll figure that all out, soon.

In addition to two awesome yoga classes (one was on meditation, the other was a restorative class) and my knitting class, this week I also went away for a couple of days without my personal computer. That in itself was a new but healthy experience. For two days, I relaxed spending quality friends with close family friends. I was taken for a lovely drive, had a great seafood lunch "out," won a couple of crib games, had some tasty meals "in" and drank copious cups of good tea.

Oh, and we watched our government fall on television.

I mean really, where else but in Canada could a government be overthrown so quietly? For my American friends, the short story is that  yesterday our House of Commons voted 156-145 on a no-confidence resolution aimed to topple the Conservative government. This triggers the dissolution of Parliament and calls for an election to be held within the next several  weeks. This would be akin to your Republican leader dissolving Obama's Democrats and calling Americans back to polls. We we have different political systems, but you get the point. It would be big deal where you live. Not so much of a big deal here in Canada.

What strikes me the most about this event (it's happened a few times, lately) is its stark contrast with what is going on in the rest of the world. In particular, what is going on in the Middle East. What is happening here may seem ludicrous to some, but it provides clear and compelling evidence that only democracy makes sense.

A young woman for whom I have a great deal of respect wrote a lovely Facebook status yesterday, reaching out to her many young friends. I am repeating it here because it says it all. I'm sending it out to all of my Canadian friends and relatives (old and young) in the hopes that you will hear and consider her plea.

"In the last couple of months, we have watched as people from various countries have taken to the streets in order to exercise their right to determine their own fate and to hold their leaders accountable for their actions. We have watched them suffer and face serious reprisals in their fight for democracy. As we are asked to go to the polls again, I hope you will all remember this thing we take for granted."

Honesty, I hope you will, too.


  1. Meaningful post! Thank you for taking the time to explain what's going on up there in the political sphere!
    I too left home for four days without my personal computer (I'm sure I'll be blogging about this) and it was a fabulous exercise - one I hope to do more often.
    I began knitting a couple of years ago and am planning on joining a class next winter. I really love it so far and have so much fun purchasing various yarns!

  2. We really do take these things for granted... a stark contrast indeed. Thanks for your post.

  3. Thanks, everyone. Yoga, knitting, writing - all exercises that give me time to reflect on how much gratitude I have for where I live, and what I have in my life. I am also taking time to feel really sad for what other people have to contend with in countries rife with political and military conflict, not to mention people who are dealing with unknowable pain due to natural disaster, disease, poverty.
